Link Roundup: 28 January

Link roundup stocks headed straight for the moon. Unluckily I have been short-selling Flood Media and am now $10 billion in the hole.

Alexis Wright on the legacy of Oodgeroo Noonuccal.

How corrupt machine politics cripples the ALP.

Will heatwaves make Western Sydney uninhabitable within decades?

The secret diary of a British landlord exposes “a uniquely intransigent, rapacious breed of capitalist”.

How Bill Gates persuaded Oxford to privatise its vaccine. Why don’t people trust this guy again?

Middle-class apathy in Leave The World Behind, a novel about a disaster that doesn’t happen.


Photo by 𝓴𝓘𝓡𝓚 𝕝𝔸𝕀 on Unsplash