Link Roundup: 13 May

Bookshop workers in Sydney unionise against the ironically named Better Read Than Dead.

The Hambach Forest And TheTechnological Sublime, and the limits of climate-conscious art.

UK Labour’s local-election disaster and why socialist Salford bucked the trend.

Jack Kerouac and the Nigerian counterculture. “Every day seems like a new journey to Cannibal Town.”

Why is New Zealand Labour picking fights with public-sector workers and turning back to austerity?

How come Joe Biden is standing up against vaccine companies to support an intellectual property waiver? Is he a secret communist or is there something else going on? In general I think we’ve overlooked how much of the Biden administration’s supposedly-progressive agenda is being implemented with the full support of banks and investment firms. Get back to me when he raises their tax rate to 70%.

Did the Coalition really release a “women’s budget”? Or is that perhaps bullshit? What do you reckon?

Could humanity abandon and rewild half the earth?

And who killed rapper Mac Dre? Kansas City police files shed light on one of hip-hop’s biggest mysteries.


Photo by James on Unsplash